Jewelry Always Choose Joy
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This collection is inspired and intended to spread joy. Each piece is handcrafted with a beautiful message “in everything, find the Joy”. T-shirt’s, necklaces and bracelets are a part of this new collection.
My mom had dementia and spent her last years in nursing homes. It was a journey that I never thought either of us would have to go on. Each day was different and filled with different surprises. I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster those last years. I learned so much about myself and my faith in God. Each day was different than the one before but so much the same in so many ways. I knew when I walked in the nursing home to see her there would be something that would take my breath away. No one took care of her like I would or loved her like I did. It was brutal for me to see what went on each day she was there. I had a talk with God and decided that for me to get through this journey that he chose for she and I that I needed some kind of strength to be there for her. I prayed and prayed harder than I ever had before. I heard God speak to me like never before. Trust me and find the joy in everyday is what i had to do. So I started doing just that. I trusted God that this journey was for me and why I really wasn’t sure. I was mad and sad and wondered why my beautiful mother would have to endure this horrible disease but most of all why would I have to lose my mother and my best friend to this.
I became her voice, her advocate, the one who would be there for her every step of the way. I experienced things that never in my life i thought I could handle. But I was there for her and not because i had to but because I wanted to. She was my mother and was always there for me.
Every day I woke up saying to myself I Choose Joy and I will find joy in everything. And that I did. Some days it was harder than others and there were some days I cried Asking God to please show my the joy. Even on her last dying days I found joy. We listened to beautiful music together and I held her hand. Knowing mom wasn’t going to be around much longer was the hardest thing I ever imagined. But I looked back at this journey and realized that I learned so much from her. I thought i was teaching and helping her but in reality she was teaching me so much more. She taught me how the simple pleasures were the biggest pleasures. Sunshine was nothing to take for granted. Each day we sat outside eating chicken salad and watermelon became a luxury to she and I both. My daily visits and most twice a day made her smile. Even when she no longer talked she always smiled when I came to visit.
So when you go through your day and you don’t see any sunshine remember to find the joy. It’s always there even when it seems impossible. Some days my joy was Mom was breathing or had a clean gown on and other days it was so much more. But I always said my affirmation each day and did find my joy.
So in this journey that I didn’t see any glimpse of joy, Mom gave me the best gift I could ever ask for she gave me the gift of joy and to know there is joy in everything. You just have to want to find it.
Through this lesson I knew I had a story and needed to share. I love my charms and knew they brought joy to everyone who wore them. So I decided to use this opportunity to share my message of joy and create a JOY line that would truly inspire and spread the message to find the joy to everyone.
Have a joyful day,